Monday, May 23, 2011

Office 2010 SP1 To Be Released Soon

Microsoft is planning on releasing Office 2010 Service Pack 1 at the end of June 2011. SP1 will be available for all 40 SKU languages of Office. Each product in the suite will have updates included in SP1 and as always they will be cumulative. For a list of some of the highlights check out the Office Sustained Engineering blog.

Update: Microsoft has released Office 2010 SP1

Sunday, May 22, 2011

ConfigMgr PXE Certificate Renewal

When I originally setup my ConfigMgr environment setting up my OSD PXE certificaates was kind of a set and forget process so when my deployment team started getting a prompt about an expiring cert I thought "Oh ya I forgot about those."

In order to update your PXE certifcate you need to locate the site system that hosts the PXE Service Point where you want to update the certificate, double click the PSP role, on the database tab select create a self-signed PXE certificate and specify an appropriate date range and then click apply. As soon as you create your new certificate your old one will be blocked. It's just that simple but it's one of those tasks that you probably don't do that frequently.

If you are running in Native mode will have to import your new certificate from your root certificate authority. (CA)