Wednesday, May 12, 2010

MMS 2010 - Viva Las Vegas

This post is long overdue – I’ve been back from MMS for a couple of weeks and feel that I’m still playing catch up at work. My first MMS was a great experience and I can’t for next year’s event. (Mandalay Bay March 21 – 25 2011) I attended every session that I could possibly fit into my schedule and brought back some fantastic information. Another bonus was a chance to meet other IT professionals that are either facing the same challenges that I am or have already worked through them.

Probably one of the most popular topics was Config Mgr v.Next. This is the next version of Config Mgr that is tentatively going to drop in 2011. Watch for a complete change in software distribution as we know it. It will be a user centric shift for Config Mgr.

One of my favourite types of session were the Birds-of-a-Feather sessions. These small loosely organized sessions that are really more about being interactive than anything. I was able to end are really good session with Dell IT and their use of SCUP and a Q&A session with Microsoft’s Config Mgr development team.

Overall I was able bring back some incredible knowledge from MMS and I will be posting more details here in the upcoming days. Also, kudos to the Microsoft event staff as they did a fantastic job.