Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Software Center returned error code 0x0041013 (-2147217389)

I've come across this issue a couple of times after upgrading the ConfigMgr client from 2007 (4.x) to 2012 (5.x) where Software Center will never open successfully and present a the user's applications. The 2012 client will install and seems to start communicating successfully however when a user goes to open Software Center they are presented with the following error:

Software Center cannot get the current status for some of the software. Software Center will list any items with available status. You can press F5 to refresh the view. If the problem persists, contact your help desk.

If you expand the More Information section you get the following error code:

Loading Software Center returned error code 0x0041013 (-2147217389).

No matter how long you leave the client, refresh policies or even after a reinstall the problem persists. After much searching online I finally found a post that referenced the same error code and how to resolve the problem. (My next step was a call to Microsoft so it saved me a bunch of time when I found it) Essentially the problem  stems from the 2007 client failing to uninstall cleanly leaving behind possibly two registry keys that can cause the issue. Check the following:
  • Open regedit
  • Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{555B0C3E-41BB-4B8A-A8AE-8A9BEE761BDF}\InProcServer32
  • Ensure that the default value is set to C:\WINDOWS\CCM\ccmcisdk.dll
  • Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{555B0C3E-41BB-4B8A-A8AE-8A9BEE761BDF}\InProcServer32
  • Ensure that the default value is blank (If not delete the value)
  • Open the ConfigMgr client applet and kick off a policy refresh action
  • Give it a few minutes (You can monitor the PolicyAgent.log file on the client)
  • Once the policy refresh is complete open Software Center and the user should new be presented with their applications