Monday, August 2, 2010

Config Mgr Client Health Monitoring

One of the most important things in any ConfigMgr environment is the health of your clients. If your machines aren’t reporting in properly you’re dead in the water until you get the issue resolved. Since the ConfigMgr client is such a heavy hitter on WMI problems are not uncommon. For those who can’t afford a solution such as 1E’s WakeUp (which has client health monitoring built in) using a start-up or shutdown script is an inexpensive way of monitoring ConfigMgr client health. There are many scripts published out there but one of the best that I have come across is Chris Stauffer’s SCCM SP2 Health Check Startup Script found at This script also works nicely during a SMS 2003 to ConfigMgr migration to ensure that all of your machines get upgraded properly. It's easy to configure and with the help of Active Directory can be deployed within minutes.